The purpose of the children’s ministry of Calvary is to challenge, inspire, engage and develop a love for Christ. Someone once said. “It is easier to build strong children than it is to repair broken men.” Our desire is to develop committed followers of Jesus, and that stars with our children!
Sunday School
It is amazing how much your child will learn in classes specifically tailored for them. They will learn things like the importance of obedience, being kind and sharing. they will also take home the important truths of how to please God, why we memorize Scripture, who Jesus is and the fact that God loves them and made them for a unique purpose. The teachers and workers are trained, dedicated, compassionate and excited to be a small part of ;your child’s life.
Junior Church
Junior Church is a strategically designed worship service for your children that takes place during the morning worship service. Our children’s directors strive to develop practical, exciting and meaningful lessons that will stick with your children forever. With fun games, crazy songs, practical bible lessons packed into an energetic environment, your children will leave excited about what they learned.
Wednesday Evening
Kids 4 Truth – A kid-focused, fun time of learning God’s Word and memorizing scripture. Open to all kids. Kids4Truth runs throughout the school year. It starts when school begins each year and ends on the last Wednesday in May.
Children Service Times
Sunday Mornings at 9:30 AM & 10:30 AM
Wednesday Evenings 6:30 PM